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Hip Adductor Injuries

Picture of Hip Adductor Injuries

Hip adductors are the group of muscles on the inner side of your thigh that enable adduction or the ability to bring the thighs together. A hip adductor injury is also called a groin strain or groin tear and involves any of the adductor muscles. These injuries are common among athletes and those who play hockey, football, soccer, basketball, tennis, baseball, etc.

Acetabular Pincer Deformity

Picture of Acetabular Pincer Deformity

Acetabular pincer deformity, also referred to as pincer impingement, is an abnormality of the acetabulum (hip socket) where the acetabulum is excessively deep or over covers the femoral head, resulting in impingement of the femoral neck and rupture of the labrum. The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint in which the head of the femur forms the ball, and the pelvic acetabulum forms the socket.

Gluteal Strain

Picture of Gluteal Strain

A gluteal strain is a condition characterized by a partial or complete tear of the gluteus muscles, also known as the buttocks. The gluteus muscles are a group of strong muscles present at the back of the pelvis. These muscles help with the movement and stabilization of the hip joint.

Hip Bone Cysts

Picture of Hip Bone Cysts

Hip bone cysts, also referred to as subchondral bone cysts, are fluid-filled sacs or spaces that form in one or both of the bones that make up a hip joint. The cysts develop just below the cartilage (tough spongy tissue) that covers the bone near the joint. The sacs typically consist of hyaluronic acid, a constituent found in synovial fluid

Labral Cysts of the Hip

Picture of Labral Cysts of the Hip

Labral cysts are small and well-defined fluid-filled sacs or lesions found adjacent to the cartilage labrum, a rim of tissue that surrounds the acetabulum (hip socket) and seals the hip joint. They are closely associated with acetabular labral tears and are more common in individuals involved in sporting activities.

Hip Flexor Strain

Picture of Hip Flexor Strain

A hip flexor strain is an overuse injury to the flexor muscles of your hip and can range from a minor stretch injury to a complete tear of the muscle fibers or tendons. Diagnosis of a hip flexor strain includes a review of your symptoms and medical history. A physical examination will be performed by your doctor to check the affected hip for pain, swelling, and inflammation.

Trochanteric Bursitis

Picture of Trochanteric Bursitis

Trochanteric bursitis is a painful condition caused by inflammation of the trochanteric bursa, a fluid-filled sac that overlies the greater trochanter (bony prominence at the outer side of the hip). Bursae are present at various regions of the body between the bones and tendons to reduce friction with movement.

Iliopsoas Tendonitis

Picture of Iliopsoas Tendonitis

Iliopsoas tendonitis also referred to as snapping hip syndrome, is an inflammation of the iliopsoas tendon or the surrounding area. The iliopsoas is the hip flexor tendon located over the front of the hip socket. The term snapping hip describes the sound made, a snap or click, that occurs with certain hip movements including flexion, extension, and rotation of the hip.

Hip Injury

Picture of Hip Injury

The hip joint is one of the most important and flexible joints in the human body which allows us to walk, run, bend and perform physical activities. It is a ball (femoral head) and socket joint formed between the hip bone and femur (thighbone). It is surrounded by strong muscles and tough ligaments that prevent its dislocation.

Iliopsoas Impingement

Picture of Iliopsoas Impingement

Iliopsoas impingement also known as internal snapping hip syndrome is a condition characterized by inflammation and pain in the iliopsoas muscles resulting in abnormal movement of the hip. Iliopsoas impingement is caused due to the tightening of the iliopsoas muscle in the hip and usually occurs due to repetitive flexion and overuse injuries of the hip joint.

Gluteus Tendon Tear

Picture of Gluteus Tendon Tear

The gluteal muscles (situated in the buttocks) are necessary for the stability and movement of the hip joints. The tendons of two gluteal muscles (gluteus medius and gluteal minimus) are attached at the outer hip region and are often called the “rotator cuff of the hip.” These tendons may be subject to injury or tearing due to various reasons.

Hip Pain

Picture of Hip Pain

Hip pain, one of the common complaints, may not always be felt precisely over the hip joint rather in and around the hip joint. The cause for pain is multifactorial and the exact position of your hip pain suggests the probable cause or underlying condition causing it.

Snapping Hip Syndrome

Picture of Snapping Hip Syndrome

Snapping hip syndrome is a condition in which you hear or feel a snapping sound in the hip when you swing your legs, run, walk or get up from a chair. The sound can be experienced in the back, front or side of the hip. Snapping hip syndrome is usually harmless, but may be accompanied with pain and weakness.

Hip Muscle Strain

Picture of Hip Muscle Strain

A tear in the muscle fibers caused by either a fall or direct blow to the muscle, overstretching and overuse injury can be called a muscle strain. Muscle strains often occur in the hip region whenever a muscle contracts suddenly from its stretched position. It can be mild, moderate or severe and depends on the level of injury.

Hip Bursitis

Picture of Hip Bursitis

Hip bursitis is a painful condition caused by the inflammation of a bursa in the hip. Bursae are fluid-filled sacs present in the joints between bone and soft tissue to reduce friction and provide cushioning during movement. The bony prominence of the hip is called greater trochanter and is present on the outer side of the upper thighbone or femur.

Femoroacetabular Impingement

Picture of Femoroacetabular Impingement

Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a condition characterized by excessive friction in the hip joint from the presence of bony irregularities. These cause pain and decreased range of hip motion. The femoral head and acetabulum rub against each other, causing damage and pain to the hip joint.

Avascular Necrosis

Picture of Avascular Necrosis

Avascular necrosis, also called osteonecrosis, is a condition in which bone death occurs because of inadequate blood supply to it. Lack of blood flow may occur when there is a fracture in the bone or a joint dislocation that may damage nearby blood vessels. Hip joint is most commonly affected; however, the knee and shoulder may also be involved.

Hip Fracture

Picture of Hip Fracture

The hip joint is a “ball and socket” joint. The “ball” is the head of the femur or thighbone, and the “socket” is the cup-shaped acetabulum. The joint surface is covered by a smooth articular surface that allows pain-free movement in the joint. A hip fracture is a break that occurs near the hip in the upper part of the femur or thighbone.

Femoral Shaft Fracture

Picture of Femoral Shaft Fracture

A femoral shaft fracture is a crack or break anywhere along the long and straight section of the femur (thighbone) due to high-energy trauma or low-energy trauma in osteoporotic patients. The femur is the strongest and longest bone in the body. It connects with the pelvis at the top to form the hip joint and the tibia and fibula at the bottom to form the knee joint.

Gluteus Medius Tear

Picture of Gluteus Medius Tear

A gluteus medius tear is the partial or complete rupture of the gluteus medius muscle due to severe muscle strain. Gluteus medius tears often occur at the tendinous attachment to the greater trochanter of the femur bone. The tear or rupture of the gluteus medius muscle is commonly seen in runners and athletes involved in high-impact sports such as soccer or basketball.

Hip Labral Tear

Picture of Hip Labral Tear

The hip joint is a ball and socket joint in which the head of the femur is the ball and the acetabulum forms the socket. The labrum helps to deepen the socket and provide stability to the joint. It also acts as a cushion and enables smooth movement of the joint. A hip labral tear is an injury to the labrum, the cartilage that surrounds the outside rim of your hip joint socket.

Hip and Groin Disorders

Picture of Hip and Groin Disorders

Hip and groin disorders are more common in athletes. They are caused by rapid acceleration and deceleration motion. The rehabilitation time for hip and groin injuries is longer than most other injuries, therefore, early and accurate diagnosis is essential.

Hip Abductor Tears

Picture of Hip Abductor Tears

Hip abductors are a major group of muscles found in the buttocks. It includes the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and tensor fascia lata muscles. The tear or rupture of the hip abductor is commonly seen in runners and athletes involved in high-impact sports such as soccer or basketball.

Hip Tendonitis

Picture of Hip Tendonitis

Tendons are strong connective tissue structures that connect muscle to bone. Hip tendonitis is a condition associated with degeneration of the hip tendons. This condition is mainly caused due to strain on the tendons which may occur due to overuse or biomechanical problems.

Osteoarthritis of the Hip

Picture of Osteoarthritis of the Hip

Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease, is the most common form of arthritis. It occurs most often in the elderly. This disease affects the tissue covering the ends of bones in a joint called cartilage. In osteoarthritis, the cartilage becomes damaged and worn out, causing pain, swelling, stiffness and restricted movement in the affected joint.

Inflammatory Arthritis of the Hip

Picture of Inflammatory Arthritis of the Hip

The inflammation of the joints is referred to as arthritis. Inflammation arises when the smooth lining called cartilage at the ends of bones wears away. In some cases, the inflammation is caused when the lining of the joint becomes inflamed as part of an underlying systemic disease. These conditions are referred to as inflammatory arthritis.

Femur Fracture

Picture of Femur Fracture

The femur or thigh bone is the longest and strongest bone in the body, connecting the hip to the knee. A femur fracture is a break in the femur. The distal femur is the lower part of the thigh bone which flares out like an upside-down funnel and its lower end is covered by a smooth, slippery articular cartilage that protects and cushions the bone during movement.

Hip Osteonecrosis

Picture of Hip Osteonecrosis

Hip osteonecrosis occurs due to disruption of the blood supply to the highest part of the thigh bone (femoral head). Due to lack of nourishment, the bone tissue of the femoral head dies and gradually collapses, which may further lead to degeneration of the underlying cartilage.

Hamstring Injuries

Picture of Hamstring Injuries

The hamstring is a group of three muscles that run along the back of the thigh from the hip to the knee. Hamstring injuries occur when these muscles are strained or pulled. They are common in dancers and athletes of all sorts including runners and those who play football, soccer, basketball, tennis, etc.

Useful Links

  • Picture of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • Picture of American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
  • Picture of The Arthroscopy Association of North America
  • Picture of Mayo Clinic
  • Picture of OrthoCarolina

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